10 Impressive Construction Project Ideas

From skyscrapers reaching record heights to colossal tunnels establishing new transportation connections, there’s no shortage of jaw-dropping construction projects happening around the world. Here are 10 Impressive Construction Project Ideas that will leave you in awe.

This infographic was created by Norwich University students for Stanley Black & Decker’s Buildup, a task management, punch list, and inspection software company.

The Lakhta Tower

Sitting at an impressive 462 meters tall, the Lakhta Tower is the highest building in Russia and Europe. The opulent structure serves as the headquarters of Gazprom, the world’s largest gas company.

Designed by the Edinburgh-based firm of RMJM under design lead Tony Kettle, the Lakhta Tower is an awe-inspiring testament to both architectural ingenuity and technical innovation. The helical glazed form is cradled within an exoskeleton that is both light and structurally efficient, with the facade’s smooth walls reflecting clouds and water.

The tower includes 87 floors of offices as well as a public observation deck and restaurant. In addition, the Lakhta Tower features a series of pioneering multi-car lifts powered by regenerating energy and boasts a waiting time of less than 30 seconds. The tower’s foundation also required the largest continuous pouring of concrete in history.

McHugh Construction

McHugh Construction has a long history of building one-of-a-kind, luxury structures across the country. In Nashville, the company has built a number of notable projects, including the nine-story apartment complex Platform 4611 and Kenect Nashville, a 20-story mixed-use project located on Music Row.

For the latter project, the contractor incorporated cross-laminated timber (CLT) and heavy timber framing to create a modern, yet sustainable design. CLT is an alternative to traditional concrete and steel and uses lumber sourced from managed forests to minimize the impact on the environment.

Additionally, McHugh employed innovative construction methods on State and Chestnut, a high-rise apartment building that features a glass curtain wall, two floors of resident amenities, and ground floor retail. This included staging materials on-site and building some of the exterior facade from inside to avoid impeding street traffic during construction.

The Hong Kong Bridge-to-Tunnel

Often described as one of the world’s most impressive construction projects, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge and Tunnel is a massive crossing that links Hong Kong, Macau, and Zhuhai across the Pearl River Estuary. The colossal structure features several bridges, four artificial islands, and a 6.7 km submerged tunnel, all of which push the limits of what’s possible in terms of engineering.

The tunnel portion of the project consists of 33 tunnel elements built in a factory, which were then shipped to the site and placed underwater – no easy feat considering that each segment had to be able to withstand an earthquake measuring up to 8.0 on the Richter scale. The entire crossing also had to be able to accommodate shipping lanes, marine life, and the changing water conditions of the sea.

This unique project has become a symbol of China’s economic success, but it has not been without controversy. Critics say it is a waste of money and could even have negative impacts on the environment, including the endangered Chinese white dolphin.

The Underwater Hotel in Shanghai

A hotel that’s partly underwater gives a whole new meaning to sleeping with the fishes. Located in the Songjiang district of Shanghai, this unique five-star hotel is built into a formerly abandoned quarry. Sixteen of its 18 floors are underground and two are submerged in a 33-foot-deep aquarium.

Designed by architect Martin Jochman of the studio JADE+QA and engineered by the British firm Atkins, this unique building is a marvel of modern engineering. The architects had to deal with numerous challenges, including the seismic implications of a structure with its ends fixed to the quarry walls and water quality issues.

Guests can enjoy their stay in one of 336 rooms, most with a curved balcony that overlooks the waterfalls or the hotel’s transparent glass aquarium. There are even a few underwater duplex suites with entertaining aquarium views that give this unique hotel an added wow factor.

The World’s Largest Art Installation

Sculptures like this massive piece by Magdalena Jetelova are a stunning demonstration of how art can inspire innovative construction, including Wedge Construction. This installation turns pyramid shapes into a domestic space that invites public interaction, prompting thought on the evolving relationship between humans and colossal symbols throughout history.

While some construction projects may seem to be impossible, these mega structures prove that with the right design, engineers can create anything. One of the most impressive examples is this 57-story building that was constructed in just 19 days. The amazing feat was made possible thanks to a special steel diamond pattern that allows the structure to support itself with minimal weight.

Located in the desert, this monumental piece is called City and is designed to resemble prehistoric urban megalopolises. The piece is more than a mile and a half long and is constructed from sand, concrete, and other materials.

The World’s Tallest Wooden House

When completed, this wooden structure in Norway will be the tallest load-bearing timber building in the world. The design is inspired by traditional Norwegian timber bridges and features a unique truss system that flips the lateral forces of the hull and roof into vertical ones. The result is an energy-efficient, sustainable, and beautiful high-rise.

This structure won’t hold onto the title for long, however, as other buildings are quickly rising to challenge it. For example, Brock Commons Tallwood House in Canada is an 18-story student residence built from engineered wood.

Other notable timber-constructed buildings include Forte in Australia, which was the first major residential project to use cross-laminated timber, and Treet, a 14-story apartment tower that houses 62 apartments. The building’s facade displays the floors so residents never forget which floor they’re on. A new record-holder may be on the horizon, too, as governments relax their building restrictions and encourage taller wooden structures.

The World’s Tallest Building

Tall buildings have always been a source of fascination for many. Not only do they look impressive, but they also showcase our advancements in engineering and materials.

The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, stands at a height of 828 m. However, new proposals are awaiting construction with much closer peaks.

The Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is slated to be the world’s highest skyscraper at 3,280 feet. It will feature a hotel, luxury apartments, office space, observation decks, and retail outlets. The design is based on traditional Islamic minarets. The architects used spiral columns to help shape an open organic helical diagrid. Using atmospheric pressure, they plan to create electricity throughout the structure. The tower is slated to open in 2022. It will be constructed from steel and concrete. It will be the first building in the Kingdom City development.

The World’s Tallest Skyscraper

The world’s tallest skyscraper is currently Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, but it will soon be surpassed by this futuristic structure in Saudi Arabia. Designed by Chicago-based firm Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill, the 1,300-meter high Jeddah Tower will feature apartments, offices, hotels, and observation decks.

Unlike traditional bar or slab designs, this tower features interlocked sections that rotate to create usable space and reduce structural loads. Its slender form was inspired by the folded fronts of desert palm trees and is expected to have a dramatic appearance when it’s completed.

The design’s height of over 1,800 feet makes it the third-tallest building in the world and will earn it a place on the CTBUH’s list of the world’s tallest buildings. It also holds the records for tallest structure and highest free-standing building. Interestingly, the spire does not count toward its official height, a decision that sparked controversy.

The World’s Tallest Building That’s Not a Skyscraper

Whether it’s Philadelphia City Hall, the Empire State Building, or the Burj Khalifa, skyscrapers fascinate more than just architects. These physics-defying structures seem to stretch into the sky like nothing else on earth.

One of the most impressive construction projects is the neo-futuristic Jeddah Tower, which is being constructed in Saudi Arabia. This record-breaking structure will be the world’s tallest building, but it’s not really a skyscraper.

Jeddah Tower will feature useless floors and spires that serve no purpose other than to show off. This type of pointless height is known as “vanity” height.

Other than skyscrapers, some of the most amazing buildings are power stations and chimneys. The highest power station is located in Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan and is 1,377 feet tall. This structure was designed by the Kettle Collective, and it’s shaped to resemble helical waves.

The World’s Tallest Building That’s a Skyscraper

There’s something about skyscrapers that fascinates people. Maybe it’s their design, or perhaps it’s the way they seem to defy physics. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that they’re amazing feats of engineering.

This incredible structure, named the Legends Tower and built in Oklahoma City, is a testament to modern architectural ingenuity. Its height, which commemorates the year Oklahoma joined the United States, puts it among the world’s tallest buildings.

But while some may see the building as a symbol of wealth and success, others are horrified by it. One such person is Isaac Meir, a professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. He explains why he thinks that supertall buildings are an environmental disaster. He says they’re also a waste of money and resources. The world’s tallest buildings are true towers, he argues, not guyed structures like television or radio transmission towers.