What does a chiropractor do? During chiropractic treatment, a licensed DC applies spinal manipulation to the spine to realign the joints and bones. This way, the chiropractor utilizes his or her fingers to deliver a low-velocity, high-amplitude thrust (also known as HVHA) to the spine.
DCS uses HVHA to treat a variety of injuries that impact your skeletal, nervous, and muscular systems. To learn how chiropractors perform their treatments, read on! One common injury that chiropractors treat involves popping or crackling sounds in the vertebrae.
These popping sounds are caused by the facet joints of the spine being lined up incorrectly. As a result, the facet joints rub against each other. When this happens, the friction causes pain and inflammation. To prevent further damage to the joints, a chiropractor often holds a heating element or hot towel while realigning the vertebrae.
Another injury that can occur is called flexion distraction. With this injury, the chiropractor applies spinal manipulation while the patient is experiencing unintentional torsion or rotations in their spine. When a chiropractor performs this treatment, he or she applies gentle pressures on the spine’s joints.
The goal is to redirect the patient’s attention away from the sensation of torsion or rotation, which is causing the popping sound. Unlike medical doctors, chiropractors have no training in diagnosing and treating patients.
They rely on their judgment and experience to determine when their patients require spinal manipulation. And because they diagnose and treat their patients after observing how their symptoms manifest themselves, chiropractors are sometimes confronted with the daunting task of defending their clinical abilities.
Some typical short-term chiropractic care includes manipulating the spine to relieve muscle spasms and help relieve muscle pain. Other symptoms include weakness, numbness, and tingling. Longer-term relief from pain is achieved by preventing the natural movement of soft tissues throughout the body.
This can result in the onset of serious long-term problems. Most chiropractors begin their treatment plan using drug-free treatments. If muscle spasms are present, the chiropractor will apply gentle traction. Longer-term, or acute pain, will likely require anti-inflammatory medications to reduce inflammation.
Some chiropractors use other forms of therapy such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy in addition to or instead of traditional chiropractic care. With these additional treatment options, the chiropractic doctor can customize a treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of each patient.
For example, an acute patient might receive spinal manipulative therapy and physiotherapy, while avoiding drugs for muscle pain and/or inflammation. A long-term patient might receive massage and occupational therapy in addition to the standard drugs recommended by the doctor.
The most important part of receiving treatment by a chiropractor is the health history and the overall well-being before the treatment begins. This includes a physical exam to look for any injuries or weakness, an investigation into past illnesses, and x-rays to detect any damage to the spine or related areas.
After the health history is complete, the chiropractic physician will discuss the next steps. Common treatment options involve spinal adjustments, manual adjustments to the musculoskeletal system, alternative methods, or lifestyle changes.
Spinal manipulations are common for patients seeking relief for their back pain and neck stiffness. This procedure is commonly called a chiropractic adjustment. A chiropractor may perform this procedure using his/her hands or a specialized device. Manual techniques are also used by specialists from chiropractor Chattanooga.
In addition, chiropractic adjustments can also be done with the use of other devices such as wheelchairs, crutches, and walkers. Chiropractic treatments are sometimes referred to as “hands-on” procedures. During a chiropractic manipulation, the chiropractor gently manipulates a joint or area of the body using his/her hands.
In some cases, adjustments are needed immediately to relieve the signs of illness or injury. Other times, a chiropractor will choose a waiting time to give the patient time to become healed. Examples of conditions that require chiropractic intervention include carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, tendonitis (injury to the tendons), and many others.
A chiropractor may use his/her hands to realign spinal bones and encourage the healing of nerve roots that have been pinched closed. Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation or adjustments when they feel pressure or irritation in one or more areas of the body.
For example, when a person feels a stiff neck, a chiropractor can easily realign it by manually applying traction. This realignment releases pressure and improves circulation. When the circulation improves, the entire body becomes more relaxed. People usually feel immediate relief from pain after spinal manipulation.
Many people turn to a chiropractor for relief from chronic pain. In addition, they seek help when other forms of treatment don’t work for them. Chiropractic care is appropriate for people of all ages. Children, teenagers, and adults may be able to benefit from chiropractic care.
Before scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor, make sure that your doctor is aware of your symptoms. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether you need to seek other types of medical care or whether chiropractic care is appropriate for your condition.