Which Crystal is Right for You? Find Your Perfect Match

Crystals are powerful allies on the spiritual journey, offering support and energy amplification. Incorporate these stones into your daily ritual, using them to deepen your connection with the divine and elevate your spiritual practices.

Danburite is known for its illuminating properties that promote wisdom and self-awareness. Place it in a quiet space to absorb celestial energies and bridge the gap between the physical and spirit realms.

1. Amethyst

Amethyst is a powerful crystal of spiritual transformation, offering a gentle energy of healing and inner peace. It is also believed to help with purifying oneself of negative energies and clearing away mental clutter. As a result, it is the perfect crystal to keep by your side when you are embarking on a spiritual journey, which is one of many intentions behind these traditions.

Amethyst comes in a range of colors, from light lavender to dark violet. The intensity of the color depends on the concentration of iron impurities, light exposure, and geological conditions during its formation. Purple amethyst is the most recognized form of this mystical stone, known for its soothing energy that promotes emotional balance and spiritual growth.

Those who are especially sensitive to the effects of positive and negative energies will benefit from the calming properties of amethyst. The crystal also helps individuals to recognize and release where they are holding on to emotional stress, allowing them to feel lighter than air.

Another popular type of amethyst is auralite, a multi-mineral crystal that combines chevron amethyst, bright red hematite, and clear quartz to create a unique metaphysical blend of energies that facilitates ascension. It is said to stimulate spiritual awareness and open intuition, and it awakens latent psychic abilities during meditation.

2. Citrine

Citrine is an incredibly beautiful crystal with warm golden hues that are infused with light and happiness. This crystal has captivated humans for centuries with its radiant energy, healing properties and abundant metaphysical benefits.

Citrine brings clarity and zest for life, energizing the spirit and body, igniting new passions, and encouraging growth and success in all endeavors. Its yellow vibration is reminiscent of the sunlight of spring, uplifting and revitalizing. It is one of the only crystals on Earth that does not hold or attract negative energy, but instead transmutes and dissipates it.

This beautiful yellow crystal is the perfect stone for attracting wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Often called the “merchant’s stone,” Citrine is associated with success and good fortune, making it a popular choice for those seeking financial prosperity. It’s also a great choice for enhancing and strengthening personal relationships. It smoothes family or group problems and promotes understanding and cohesiveness.

To bring in positive energies and eliminate negative ones, keep your Citrine crystals cleansed and charged regularly. This can be done by running them under water, smudging with sage or palo santo, or by placing them in a slant of sun or in a crystal grid. It’s a great idea to do this after particularly intense Reiki or healing sessions, as well as every few weeks. It’s also important to keep your crystals on the positive side of abundance so they don’t absorb any negativity.

3. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline (also known as Schorl) is one of the most powerful protective crystals for spiritual growth. It is believed to shield individuals from negative energies and psychic attacks, while promoting balance and stability within their energy field. Black Tourmaline is also said to help calm anxiety, dispel fear and encourage a sense of wellbeing.

A stalwart ally amidst chaos and distraction, Black Tourmaline encourages a deep introspection that helps you sift through the noise of daily life and hone your focus like a chisel. Its dense dark energy acts as a steadfast anchor, connecting you deeply to the earth and grounding your spirit – bringing you back to the present moment when worries or anxieties creep in.

As humans, it’s very natural and automatic to inadvertently take on the energies of those around us. Black Tourmaline protects against this by absorbing and transmuting negative energies, protecting your aura and keeping you clear of imbalances.

It’s also an incredible crystal for those who spend time in challenging environments, as it is believed to absorb electromagnetic radiation and pollutants emitted by computers, cell phones and other electronic devices. Black Tourmaline is also a great stone to keep near or in your home as it is believed to prevent negative energies from entering. Simply place a piece of Black Tourmaline by your front door or windows to shield your space from unwanted energies.

4. Isis Calcite

Calcite is a popular crystal known for its healing properties and can be found in various colors. It’s a great stone to have if you want to boost your energy, encourage self-expression, and protect yourself from negative energies. It’s also said to strengthen your connection with your higher spirit.

Known as a stone of divine feminine, Isis Calcite (also called Boli Stone) is said to encourage empathy, self-care, and intuition. It’s a great crystal for those who are going through a transitional period like moving to a new home, career, or relationship. It’s also believed to help people pass over and ease grief.

Isis Calcite is also a good stone for psychics and mediums to use to strengthen their connection with the spiritual world. Some varieties have ghost-like inclusions that look green or gray and are said to aid astral travel, trauma healing, and moving on from negative experiences.

If you’re wanting to cleanse an Isis Calcite or Boli Stone, find a spot outdoors where sunlight is bathing the surroundings and gently place your stone in the light. Visualize it absorbing the grounding energy of the Earth, then cleansing itself with positive energies before and after using it for meditation or for protection from negative energies. You can also use a palo santo stick to circle your stone and cleanse it of any negative energies. This ritual can be repeated as often as needed.

5. Okenite

Okenite is a gentle crystal that will support you in being more connected to others. Its emotional healing energies will help you recognize peaceful solutions for your relationships and inspire you to appreciate the beauty around you. This stone also helps with any issues you may have regarding karma and forgiveness.

This crystal’s energy is known to assist with blood diseases, fever, stomach problems and slowing aging. It is also believed to be beneficial for balancing emotions and hormone fluctuations. It’s considered a very protective crystal, helping to protect your aura and cleanse your spiritual body.

Like many other quartz crystals, Okenite has a very soothing energy that is great for promoting sleep. It is especially good for insomniacs and people with difficult time switching off at night. It also encourages you to forgive yourself and others in order to experience complete emotional healing.

Known as the karmic grace stone, it emits a powerful energy that cuts karmic connections and clears your karmic debts and old patterns. It also promotes a new way of life with optimism and forgiveness. It’s a great crystal for those who need to make amends or have had issues in the past, including betrayals and family feuds. Its light energy is also very useful for healing resentment and guilt feelings, as well as fears of judgment. It’s also a very helpful stone for those who have difficulty telling the truth and want to know what their innermost feelings are.

Lapis Lazuli

A mesmerizing blue crystal with golden flecks, Lapis Lazuli is prized since ancient times for its beauty and metaphysical properties. It is believed to stimulate psychic abilities and is known for enhancing intuition and encouraging spiritual growth. It opens the third eye chakra, bringing wisdom and inner awareness, while connecting you to the universe. It also balances the Throat Chakra, allowing you to express yourself freely and communicate your truth with ease.

This semi-precious gemstone is a combination of lazurite, calcite, and pyrite. These minerals work together to create the deep blue hue that makes lapis so recognizable.

During meditation, use lapis to open your Third Eye and connect with your higher self. It is also a powerful stone to help you find and trust your own intuition, so place it close to your heart or wear it on your necklace to receive its energies daily.

Lapis Lazuli is a wonderful healing stone and is believed to aid in the treatment of migraines, arthritis, eczema, and throat and thyroid issues. It is also believed to strengthen eyesight and prevent deterioration over time.

To cleanse lapis, place it under the moonlight or use sage or palo santo to pass through its energy. You can also gently rinse it with water or bathe it in its vibrational frequencies to recharge and reset the crystal’s energy. You can also use a singing bowl, gong, or bell to create sound frequencies that will resonate with your lapis and cleanse it of any negative energy it may have absorbed.